Source: lib/tools.js

/* jslint node: true */

 * Engine for compile preprocessor CSS files and minify CSS output.
 * @private
 * @function cssCompilation
 * @memberOf NA#
 * @this NA
 * @param {NA~callback} next Next step after preprocessor compilation.
exports.cssCompilation = function (next) {
	var NA = this,
		async = NA.modules.async;

	if (NA.configuration.generate || NA.webconfig.cssBundlingBeforeResponse) {
		], function () {
	} else {

 * Engine for compile Less files.
 * @private
 * @function lessCompilation
 * @memberOf NA#
 * @this NA
 * @param {NA~callback} next Next step after Less compilation.
exports.lessCompilation = function (next) {
	var NA = this,
		enableLess = NA.webconfig.less,
		async = NA.modules.async,
		path = NA.modules.path,
		less = NA.modules.less,
		fs = NA.modules.fs,
		data = {},
		paths = [];

	if (enableLess && enableLess.files) {

		allLessCompiled = enableLess.files;

		if (enableLess.paths && paths.length === 0) {
			for (var i = 0; i < enableLess.paths.length; i++) {
				paths[i] = path.join(NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, enableLess.paths[i]);
		} else if (paths.length === 0) {
			paths = [
				path.join(NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, 'stylesheets'),
				path.join(NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, 'styles'),
				path.join(NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, 'css')

		async.each(allLessCompiled, function (compiledFile, next) {
			var currentFile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, compiledFile), 'utf-8'),
				prefixLess = new NA.modules.prefixLess(),
				options = {
					paths: paths

			if (enableLess.autoprefix) {
				options.plugins = [prefixLess];

			less.render(currentFile, options, function (e, output) {
				if (e) {

				data.pathName = path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, compiledFile.replace(/\.less$/g,'.css'));
				fs.writeFileSync(path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, compiledFile.replace(/\.less$/g,'.css')), output.css);
				NA.log(NA.cliLabels.lessGenerate.replace(/%([\-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)%/g, function (regex, matches) { return data[matches]; }));
		}, function () {
			if (next) {
	} else {
		if (next) {


 * Engine for compile Stylus files.
 * @private
 * @function stylusCompilation
 * @memberOf NA#
 * @this NA
 * @param {NA~callback} next Next step after Stylus compilation.
exports.stylusCompilation = function (next) {
	var NA = this,
		enableStylus = NA.webconfig.stylus,
		async = NA.modules.async,
		path = NA.modules.path,
		stylus = NA.modules.stylus,
		fs = NA.modules.fs,
		data = {},
		paths = [];

	if (enableStylus && enableStylus.files) {

		allStylusCompiled = enableStylus.files;

		if (enableStylus.paths && paths.length === 0) {
			for (var i = 0; i < enableStylus.paths.length; i++) {
				paths[i] = path.join(NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, enableStylus.paths[i]);
		} else if (paths.length === 0) {
			paths = [
				path.join(NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, 'stylesheets'),
				path.join(NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, 'styles'),
				path.join(NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, 'css')

		async.each(allStylusCompiled, function (compiledFile, next) {
			var currentFile = fs.readFileSync(path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, compiledFile), 'utf-8'),
				stylusFn = stylus(currentFile);

			if (enableStylus.autoprefix) {
				stylusFn = stylusFn.use(NA.modules.prefixStylus());

			.set('paths', paths)
			.render(function (e, output) {
				if (e) {

				data.pathName = path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, compiledFile.replace(/\.styl$/g,'.css'));
				fs.writeFileSync(path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, compiledFile.replace(/\.styl$/g,'.css')), output);
				NA.log(NA.cliLabels.stylusGenerate.replace(/%([\-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)%/g, function (regex, matches) { return data[matches]; }));
		}, function () {
			if (next) {
	} else {
		if (next) {


 * Engine for minification and concatenation of all files with a Bundle configuration.
 * @private
 * @function cssMinification
 * @memberOf NA#
 * @this NA
 * @param {NA~callback} next Next step after minification and concatenation of all CSS.
exports.cssMinification = function (next) {
	var NA = this,
		bundles = NA.webconfig.bundles,
		cleanCss = NA.modules.cleanCss,
		async = NA.modules.async,
		path = NA.modules.path,
		fs = NA.modules.fs,
		output = "",
		data = {},
		allCssMinified = [];

	/* Verify if bundle is okay and if engine must start. */
	enable = (NA.configuration.generate ||

		 * CSS minification before each HTML response.
		 * @public
		 * @alias cssBundlingBeforeResponse
		 * @type {boolean}
		 * @memberOf NA#webconfig
		 * @default false

	if (typeof NA.webconfig.cssBundlingEnable === "boolean") {

		 * No CSS minification if set to false.
		 * @public
		 * @alias cssBundlingEnable
		 * @type {boolean}
		 * @memberOf NA#webconfig
		 * @default true
		enable = NA.webconfig.cssBundlingEnable;

	/* Star engine. */
	if (bundles && bundles.stylesheets && enable) {

		NA.forEach(bundles.stylesheets, function (compressedFile) {

		async.each(allCssMinified, function (compressedFile, firstCallback) {[compressedFile], function (sourceFile, secondCallback) {
				try {
					secondCallback(null, fs.readFileSync(path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, sourceFile), 'utf-8'));
				} catch (e) {
					secondCallback(e, "");
			}, function(error, results) {
				if (error) {
					throw error;
				for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
					output += results[i];

				output = (new cleanCss().minify(output)).styles;
				compressedFile = compressedFile.replace(/{version}/g, NA.webconfig.version);
				fs.writeFileSync(path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, compressedFile), output);
				data.pathName = path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, compressedFile);
				NA.log(NA.cliLabels.cssGenerate.replace(/%([\-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)%/g, function (regex, matches) { return data[matches]; }));
				output = "";


		}, function () {
			if (next) {
	} else {
		if (next) {

 * Engine for obfuscation and concatenation of all files with a Bundle configuration.
 * @private
 * @function jsObfuscation
 * @memberOf NA#
 * @this NA
 * @param {NA~callback} next Next step after obfuscation and concatenation of all CSS.
exports.jsObfuscation = function (next) {
	var NA = this,
		bundles = NA.webconfig.bundles,
		uglifyEs = NA.modules.uglifyEs,
		async = NA.modules.async,
		path = NA.modules.path,
		fs = NA.modules.fs,
		output = "",
		data = {},
		allJsMinified = [];

	/* Verify if bundle is okay and if engine must start. */
	enable = (NA.configuration.generate ||

		 * JavaScript obfuscation before each HTML response.
		 * @public
		 * @alias jsBundlingBeforeResponse
		 * @type {boolean}
		 * @memberOf NA#webconfig
		 * @default false

	if (typeof NA.webconfig.jsBundlingEnable === "boolean") {

		 * No JavaScript obfuscation if set to false.
		 * @public
		 * @alias jsBundlingEnable
		 * @type {boolean}
		 * @memberOf NA#webconfig
		 * @default true
		enable = NA.webconfig.jsBundlingEnable;

	/* Star engine. */
	if (bundles && bundles.javascripts && enable) {

		NA.forEach(bundles.javascripts, function (compressedFile) {

		async.each(allJsMinified, function (compressedFile, firstCallback) {[compressedFile], function (sourceFile, secondCallback) {
				var code,

				/* For the NA.socket and auto configuration. */
				if (path.join("/", NA.webconfig.socketClientFile) === path.join("/", sourceFile)) {
					file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(NA.nodeatlasPath, "src", ""), "utf-8")
						.replace(/%urlRelativeSubPath%/g, NA.webconfig.urlRelativeSubPath.slice(1))
						.replace(/%urlRoot%/g, NA.webconfig.urlRoot);

					result = uglifyEs.minify(file);
				/* And for others real files. */
				} else {
					code = fs.readFileSync(path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, sourceFile), "utf-8");
					result = uglifyEs.minify(code);

				secondCallback(null, result.code);
			}, function(error, results) {
				if (error) {
					throw error;

				for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
					output += results[i];

				compressedFile = compressedFile.replace(/{version}/g, NA.webconfig.version);
				fs.writeFileSync(path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, compressedFile), output);
				data.pathName = path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, compressedFile);
				NA.log(NA.cliLabels.jsGenerate.replace(/%([\-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)%/g, function (regex, matches) { return data[matches]; }));
				output = "";


		}, function () {

			if (next) {
	} else {
		if (next) {

 * Check if a file have been already parsed.
 * @private
 * @function cssAlreadyParse
 * @memberOf NA#
 * @param {string}         newPath     Current file tested.
 * @param {Array.<string>} allCssFiles Files already tested.
 * @param {string}         inject      State for know if injection will be authorized.
exports.cssAlreadyParse = function (newPath, allCssFiles, inject) {
	var NA = this,
		path = NA.modules.path;

	for (var i = 0; i < allCssFiles.length; i++) {
		if (path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, newPath) === allCssFiles[i]) {
			inject = false;

	return inject;

 * Inject Css if not already injected.
 * @private
 * @function injectCssAuth
 * @memberOf NA#
 * @param {string}         pathFile    Current file for injection.
 * @param {Array.<string>} allCssFiles Files already tested.
 * @param {string}         inject      State for know if injection will be authorized.
exports.injectCssAuth = function (pathFile, allCssFiles, inject) {
	var NA = this,
		path = NA.modules.path;

	if (inject) {
		allCssFiles.push(path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, pathFile));

 * Verify if common or specif file without double are ready for injection CSS.
 * @private
 * @function prepareCssInjection
 * @memberOf NA#
 * @param {Array.<string>} allCssFiles      Files already tested.
 * @param {string|Array.<string>} injection Represent the injectCss property injection to the template.
exports.prepareCssInjection = function (allCssFiles, injection) {
	var NA = this,
		path = NA.modules.path,
		inject = true,

		 * CSS files for specific injection of CSS.
		 * @public
		 * @alias injectCss
		 * @type {string|Array.<string>}
		 * @memberOf NA#locals.routeParameters
		specificInjection = injection,

		 * CSS files for common injection of CSS.
		 * @public
		 * @alias injectCss
		 * @type {string|Array.<string>}
		 * @memberOf NA#webconfig
		commonInjection = NA.webconfig.injectCss;

	/* Add common injections. */
	if (typeof commonInjection === 'string') {
		allCssFiles.push(path.join(NA.serverPath, NA.webconfig.assetsRelativePath, commonInjection));
	} else if (commonInjection) {
		for (var i = 0; i < commonInjection.length; i++) {
			/* Inject Css. */
			NA.injectCssAuth(NA.webconfig.injectCss[i], allCssFiles, inject);

	/* Add specific injections. */
	if (specificInjection) {
		if (typeof specificInjection === 'string') {
			/* Check if a file have been already parsed. */
			inject = NA.cssAlreadyParse(specificInjection, allCssFiles, inject);
			/* Inject Css. */
			NA.injectCssAuth(specificInjection, allCssFiles, inject);
		} else {
			for (var j = 0; j < specificInjection.length; j++) {
				/* Check if a file have been already parsed. */
				inject = NA.cssAlreadyParse(specificInjection[j], allCssFiles, inject);
				/* Inject Css. */
				NA.injectCssAuth(specificInjection[j], allCssFiles, inject);
				inject = true;

	return allCssFiles;

 * Inject the content of a stylesheets file into a DOM.
 * @private
 * @function injectCss
 * @memberOf NA#
 * @param {string}                 dom          The ouptput HTML.
 * @param {string|Array.<string>}  injection    Represent the injectCss property injection to the template.
 * @param {injectCss~mainCallback} mainCallback The next steps after injection.
exports.injectCss = function (data, injection, mainCallback) {
	var NA = this,
		jsdom = NA.modules.jsdom;
		cssParse = NA.modules.cssParse,
		async = NA.modules.async,
		fs = NA.modules.fs,
		allCssFiles = [],
		dom = new jsdom.JSDOM(data);

	/* Prepare Injection */
	allCssFiles = NA.prepareCssInjection(allCssFiles, injection);

	/* Injection */, function (sourceFile, callback) {
		/* Concatain all CSS. */
		callback(null, fs.readFileSync(sourceFile, 'utf-8'));
	}, function(error, results) {
		var output = "",

		for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
			output += results[i];

		/* Parse CSS in JavaScript. */
		css = cssParse(output);

		/* Parse all rules Css. */
		function parseCssRules(callback) {
			for (var i = 0; i < css.stylesheet.rules.length; i++) {
				if (typeof css.stylesheet.rules[i].selectors !== 'undefined') {

		/* Parse all selector Css. */
		function parseCssSelector(i, callback) {
			for (var j = 0; j < css.stylesheet.rules[i].selectors.length; j++) {

		/* Parse all declaration Css. */
		function parseCssDeclaration(i, j) {
			for (var k = 0; k < css.stylesheet.rules[i].declarations.length; k++) {[i].selectors[j]), function (node) {[css.stylesheet.rules[i].declarations[k].property] = css.stylesheet.rules[i].declarations[k].value

		/* Apply property on the DOM. */
		parseCssRules(function (i) {
			parseCssSelector(i, function (j) {
				parseCssDeclaration(i, j);

		 * Next steps after injection of CSS.
		 * @callback injectCss~mainCallback
		 * @param {string} dom DOM with modifications.